so I've recently done a beauty Xmas swap with the lovely Deanne @ , i think our budget was £20, but i can see Deanne went way over budget! I can't remember what i got her in return as i literally have the memory of a half decomposed ant eater, but hopefully she shall be doing a swap post as well =D so onto the pictures! please excuse the quality, for some reason i cannot take a half decent photo on my iPhone these days.
Thankyou so much <3
First pics, some gorgeous temporary tattoos, which i will be using ASAP, i love temporary tattoos as i'm a big child :P And some sachets/ face masks and things that look good in the photo together. I'm really excited to try the 11Skin face mask , as i haven't tried anything from them apart from their serum.
Make up related bits are in the picture below, the nail polish is such a gorgeous purple colour!, and yay another balmi..I love balmis, also some lovely primark false nails, which i use everyday as my own nails are so short!

below, a gorgeous gift set, including a sleep mask. I love sleep masks for some reason :)and a cool little luggage tag :D

all sorts of lovely body & hair bits & a stocking. the set comes in a little plastic bath which i find a lot cooler than i possibly should! also some soap and glory stuffs. I absolutely adore S&G!

Loads of cool shit :P yes that is the correct termanology, notice the amazing rubbers :P also at the bottom some artsy collages i created on my iphone as i is cool =]

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